The Campfire Andromeda and the AirPods Pro are two in-ear headphones that cater to different audiences. Not to mention, they’re sold at completely different price points. But, that didn’t exactly stop us from wondering and putting into actual test how the AirPods Pros would sound compared to the Campfire Andromedas. Here’s what we found out.
Comfort, Isolation, and Convenience
From the ear tips alone, you could see that the Andromeda and AirPods Pro weren’t made for the same market. While the AirPods Pro isolate similarly to the Andromeda, that’s where the similarities between their ear tips end. The latter uses Comply Foam ear tips, which are largely considered as the most recommended types of ear tips among audiophiles. This is because they create an excellent seal for improved noise isolation, as well as a better and more comfortable in-ear fit. Surprisingly enough, however, the AirPods Pro’s silicone tips felt better when worn. Although, unlike other silicone tips, the AirPods Pro did not cause ear pressure issues. Moving on, the AirPods Pro come equipped with Active Noise Cancellation, and it did not disappoint. Ambient noises like fans and air conditioners, among others, were easily eliminated. But then again, the Andromeda’s Comply Foam tips take that one step further by eliminating louder noises for a more complete listening experience. Be that as it may, convenience is still where the AirPods Pro reign supreme. Unlike the Andromeda, the AirPods Pro don’t have wires. This means that you won’t have to worry about tangles at the most inopportune moments, nor any particular moment at all.
Audio Quality
Audio Quality is where the Andromeda shine. They’re not bad, per se. The average user likely won’t even notice unless you point out the difference to them. But anyone giving the AirPods Pro even a few moments of serious listening can tell that these in-ear headphones produce sound with far less detail. This is especially true when you compare it with the Andromeda. There’s bad, and there’s terrible. Compared to the Andromeda, the AirPods Pro teether more towards the latter. It’s like they drain the soundtrack of life.
Which In-Ear Headphones Are Worth Buying?
Let’s face it. You’re not buying the AirPods Pro for its audio quality. If you are, prepare to be disappointed. Remember, as mentioned earlier, the Andromeda and AirPods Pro are meant for completely different audiences. Case in point, the AirPods Pro are so much more convenient to use compared to the Andromeda. They’re the perfect in-ear headphones for listening to podcasts and audiobooks, or when you’re out and about. Expecting anything more from the AirPods Pro would be foolish though. If nothing else, the AirPodsPro should help make you better appreciate your other gear, especially as far as the audio quality is concerned. While the Andromeda are much more expensive compared to the AirPods Pro, they are also so much better to the ears. Because of this, we highly recommend the Andromeda as well.